
La Branche d’Olivier


A country air blows over the Branche d’Olivier, a village house in Ucluse located on the edge of the Kinsendael nature reserve. You have to pinch yourself to convince yourself that only a few streets away the noise and the fury of the city take over. The sign has survived the years without ever failing. […]

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Wagon Léo


One of the most beautiful brasserie in Belgium. At first glance, the façade sets the tone for the journey. Since 1946, it has been a brand whose spirit resonates with the deep roots of the city; better still, it is a part of it in its own right. And it would not be too difficult […]

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Enishi by Toshiro



The subtlety of delicacy The address at the entrance to Waterloo, on the edge of the gleaming Chaussée de Bruxelles, was born in the early days of this holy year. It was a daring move. But with a singular personality comes an atypical place. Enishi* opens onto a clean, sober room. We gently settle into […]

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Waterloo, Italy Life is a path written with stories. Pages that are read, lived, and turned, books that are closed. And the story that continues to be written. Not better, not worse. Just differently. From the hands and hearts of men. It was an event, the arrival of Steven Mirelli and Timothy Benazzi in Waterloo. […]

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Aux Petits Oignons


The good news is that the pleasure of fine cuisine does not have to be confined to ego and pretension. It can also embrace true humility and craftsmanship, without in any way obscuring talent, consistency and, of course, taste. These words could fit Stéphane Lefebvre´s personality, a man of convictions and loyalty. Far from the […]

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Origines by Céline



There are women who are humble and generous. We all know them. Instead of seeking attention, they do better, they create sensations. That’s what I love about Céline: no surprises, just the taste of freedom. And the taste… of taste. Even if all the lights in Mons went out, this flame would always live on. […]

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Le 54


Arriving at Dave, on the other bank of the Meuse, and settling on the lovely square hiding number 54. The mood is immediately different, softened, inviting a form of peace, as the joy sets in and the certainty of experiencing a truly good time overtakes us. It’s here, and it’s this feeling that Jonathan Collignon […]

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Youthful beauty. Already. We could forget how few months RectoVerso has been in existence, it’s not that long ago. We know that time moves fast, very fast, too fast. We know that hours become days, days become weeks, and weeks become months. Time flies, we know. From RectoVerso, we’ve known the beginnings, revealing a cuisine […]

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Emily Restaurant



Under the gilding, the taste of Italy It was in the summer of 2014 that ‘Emily’ came into existence. After experiencing an entirely Italian birth under the name of Emily Ristorante, it flourished for a few years under the skillful direction of Mathieu Jacri. Today, it returns to its first loves and rediscovers its initial […]

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Les Brigittines


Because it is just and good. Nowadays, countless establishments are boosted by inflated and pompous trends, addresses infused and praised by an intelligentsia marching in step with press releases, hailing absolute genius at the alignment of three forgotten vegetables or a revisited chipolata; a parade of ephemeral and necessarily meteoric concepts that fill certain columns. […]

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The heart of Italy beats around the corner. Sometimes we must dare to be selfish and wish that nothing changes, to want time to stand still just to please us. The address charts its beautiful path, guided by the two Italian hearts Eric Lecuyer and Sébastien Samoye, and stopping there is always a bit like […]

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La Table de Manon


The beautiful star of Manon. The story of Manon’s Table had its beginnings in the center of Durbuy, just a stone’s throw away from the smallest city in the world, on the heights of Grandhan, where the work of Manon Schenck and David Delmas is now unfolding. Born in Alsace, in the Munster Valley, one […]

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La Barrière de Transinne



That moment when the landscape shifts, when the forest opens up. La Barrière de Transinne is a cardinal place. Of its region, of our Ardennes, of our country. In this clearing, both conquering and dormant, lies a multitude of profound feelings; also a kind of subdued tumult, a unique theater, one that creates legends.What could […]

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In those seasons where colors love to entice us. The door of this house has never opened like the others. Not this door, not the one before, not those of the Carmelites, not those of the ephemeral, not any of the doors that Christophe Hardiquest has placed along his path. So many universes, so many […]

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Un Altro Mondo by Luca Gaviglio



La Passione “A destination is never a place but rather a new way of seeing things,” said Henry Miller. The American novelist’s thought perfectly matches the feeling that inhabits the walls of Altro Mondo by Luca Gaviglio. A house he took over a little more than five years ago to then magnificently redesign. Today, it […]

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