The Bagù, with its 18 short months of existence, immediately managed to make us feel like it had been there forever. A bit like a piece of music that became a standard before even hitting the radio. Undoubtedly, this is due to a great accuracy.
Firstly, the accuracy of the setting. A bright decor, dressed in warm or colorful hues, carefully chosen furniture; here an office clad in wood, there in stone, and an open kitchen facing the dining room. This is absolutely the answer to blues and dreary days. Accuracy and honesty of approach then, those of Steven Mirelli and Sophie Dubois who have placed their Bagù under the sign of good taste. Their arrival in Thuin should only be seen as a determination to get closer to their roots.
Also accuracy of the products, sourced from the noblest terroirs, whether liquid or solid. Today, for example, roasted marrowbone, Iberian pork croquettes, roasted lobster with yellow wine butter, a fricassee of small gray shrimp from Warnant, pork belly, parsley emulsion, veal with whiskey cream, sweet onion juice, coffee, pollack, Comté cheese, shellfish juice, cauliflower cream, tiramisu, and a crispy dessert with bergamot, matcha tea, and yuzu to conclude the meal. Well done!
These good products are presented with greediness and precision, like true lubricants for the soul, preventing the bistro note from ever sounding off-key.
Steven Mirelli, a cook with good instinct and spontaneous generosity, has chosen to broaden his horizons to other products. However, he does not forget his Italian origins by enriching his dishes here and there with little Italian gems and beautiful liquid harmonies.
In harmony with all this is Sophie's welcome. Discreet and efficient, she plays her role with sobriety, like those precious graces that one does not hear, but feels.
This address asserts itself and refines itself, the upward trend is readable, as a matter of course.